Steering Committee 15 March 2017 Meeting Minutes

  • Present: Bridgette, Natasha, Rose, Marie, Sandy.
  • Cake was awesome.
  • We need more meetings about meetings (regular?). With cake.
  • Central meetings need evening facilitator and morning meeting still needs a second.
  • After the poll about ads in the main group, conclusion was there should only be our events and no ads.
    • Reasons for this are: future proof – avoids the problems of eventually having too many ads from too many different people (even with the 1 per month restriction) and people’s posts getting swamped by ads and getting lost
    • Instead there will be a resource file where people can add their relevant group or business. People can still suggest or recommend others or their own organisation or business on post, as a comment, so long as it’s relevant to the OP (original post).
  • As above, a resource file needs to be formalised.
  • The files need cleaning up.
    • Should they be AHBC files only? So as to prevent important information such as the Resource file being lost amongst other files and difficult to find.
    • Can birth stories that are in the files that people want to be private be put on the website instead in a private place only accessible by members?
  • Extension on posts that are outside of homebirth (such as parenting posts) being allowed.
    • In recognition of the fact that the group may be the only place people have or the only place they feel comfortable asking in.
    • Posts like these monitored so they don’t overwhelm homebirth posts, get too long, etc. Comments can be turned off in these instances.
    • OP always referred to any relevant groups
  • Meetings need to be more structured with a set time aside for the telling of birth stories.
    • Iterated we need a years worth of topics laid out with dates so list can be put up on the website and Files.
    • Easier to promote and facilitate.
    • Iterated and agreed topics to be rotated amongst groups.
  • Better nibbles at meetings to be more appealing. Facilitator reimbursed for cost of nibbles?
  • Practical meetings
    • e.g. How to Set Up and Birth Pool; Make a Cord Tie For Your Baby; etc.
    • Get ideas from main group about what practical things they would like help with/learn about
    • Guest speakers
    • AHBC cover costs to be more appealing
    • Koha or fee something like $5 or when Inc. Society, yearly membership covers these?
  • Re: Meetings and practical meetings – more consistency amongst local meetings or is flexibility and independence amongst meetings better?
  • Steering group (aka Admin group) members need clarifying on who and how people in this FB group contribute.
    • Anyone can still join for transparency. Those that don’t wish to contribute are normal FB member. Those who are active Steering Group members will be differentiated by being set to a FB admin.
    • This is just to make it easy to see who is a steering group member and who is here to observe.
    • Ask in current FB admin group people who wants to be steering group member, who wants to observe only and who wants to leave.

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