An African American mother cradles her newborn daughter after giving birth at home in a birthing pool of water.

Freebirth, risk and the spectre of obstetric violence

Society expects “good” mothers to pursue maternity care, agree to medical interventions proposed by healthcare professionals and to sacrifice whatever is necessary to avoid any risk to their unborn children. When women do not conform to this standard of behaviour, they may be vilified and considered reckless or deviant.

Fence with 'Pool Closed" sign on it and a swimming pool in the background

Alternatives to waterbirth

There are times that birthing in water may be desired but due to various circumstances, isn’t possible. In this article, we discuss the intensity of labour and birth and ways we can cope with and mitigate some of that intensity. Before we get to the actual methods and practical things you can do, it’s worth … Read more

A practice of decolonisation

To me home birth is a philosophy, not confined to the walls and roof of a whare but much more, it is a way of being that frees you from the confines of a Western society. Home birth is a philosophy, because you don’t have to give birth at home to have a home birth, it is a practice that is holistic, culturally safe, strength-based, whānanu capacity building, grounded in practices of whanaungatanga (reciprocal, responsive and responsible relationships).

Place of Birth – How much choice do we have?

We are a fly on the wall at the first appointment a pregnant mother is having with their midwife or obstetrician, their LMC (Lead Maternity Carer). Among other things, we watch the expectant mother given a pamphlet or other information that explains her three main choices for the place they would like to give birth, … Read more

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