Home birth supplies

Everything on this list is only a recommendation and you can pick and choose what suits you best


  • A waterproof mat – this can be a blanket over the top of tarpaulin or a plastic drop cloth, a waterproof backed picnic blanket, a birth mat (instructions on how to make one here), etc.
  • Two buckets – one lined with a plastic bag for rubbish and one in case you need to vomit
  • A laundry basket lined with a plastic bag or similar to put soiled/wet laundry into
  • Old towels
  • A container for the placenta
  • A cord tie, muka or items for lotus birth/umbilical non-severance
  • Baby blankets
  • Comfortable clothing such as a towel robe
  • Healthy snacks
  • Drinks such as water, coconut water, red raspberry leaf tea (can also be pre-frozen into ice cubes to suck), etc.
  • A source of heat if it’s cold
  • Support people who care for you

Optional extras you may want to consider

Birth space set up (just in case)
Birth space set up
  • Waterproof absorbent pads (get before labour from midwife)
  • Torch
  • Mirror
  • A method for warming hot towels, such as a slow cooker/crock pot, boiling water and container, etc. and thick rubber gloves to handle them. Alternately hot water bottles or wheat packs
  • A container with cold or frozen face cloths
  • Decorations such as affirmations, photos of loved ones and special memories, fairy lights, candles, birth flags/pennants, birth beads, etc.
  • Music
  • Hand held fan
  • Acupressure items including acupressure point info,  a comb to squeeze during contractions (acupressure points)
  • A TENS machine
  • Homoeopathic remedies such as arnica or a homoeopathic birth kit
  • Flower essences such as Rescue Remedy or Stress Med Spray
  • Essential oils such as Tea tree oil, a birth mix and carrier oils (if not premixed) and/or a diffuser
  • Camera, charger, spare batteries, memory space, etc. or a birth photographer.

For After the birth

  • Baby blankets, wraps and optionally baby clothes
  • Nappies or EC (Elimination Communication) potty and clothing
  • Comfortable underwear and clothing for yourself
  • Maternity pads and/or disposable underwear such as Tena for the first day or two (usually bottom shelf of the sanitary goods aisle in the supermarket)
  • Perineum healing mix/spray
  • Homoeopathic remedies such as Arnica, Weleda Chamomilla/Nicotiana Comp (for afterpains), etc
  • Fresh made bed for sinking into with baby – nice fresh sheets and comfortable protective underlayer and everything you need nearby (e.g. lamp/ torch, water, snacks, nappies/potty, wipes, wraps, etc.)
  • A message on your answering machine asking people to call back later/leave a message/send a text or email instead
  • A list on the fridge of things visitors can do when they ask “what can I do to help?” Ideas include: laundry, vacuuming, dishes, reading stories to children, taking the dog for a walk, taking out the compost, etc. It can be hard to ask for help, or hard to think of what needs to be done. If people can choose a task they will probably enjoy it more, and everyone likes to help
  • A sign for the door or gate to say mum and baby are sleeping, or express your wishes around visiting for friends and family calling by
  • Lots of easy-to-make frozen meals in the freezer or organise friends and family to make meals each night for a week or two

Water birth items

Further Reading

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